

In a world where extreme weather 事件 are increasing in severity and frequency, 优先考虑家庭的能源弹性, 企业, and communities is the only path forward to maintain a reliable and accessible supply of energy. The 11th Annual Hawaii Energy Conference will explore cutting-edge solutions to improve resilience in the face of a rapidly changing climate.

会议将在皇冠体育艺术中心举行 & Cultural Center from May 22-23 and will bring together experts in the field to share their knowledge and experiences.

“When we last got together in May 2023 the world looked very different,” said Doug McLeod of DKK Energy Services and a member of the Conference Program Committee. “我们2024年5月的重点是韧性. For me the conference will be a success if it gets people talking 关于 not just how to rebuild the same grid with lower fire risks, 但我们如何考虑其他风险,比如飓风, 海啸, 当我们重新思考电网时,会发生陆上地震.”


Wall Street Journal Reporter Katherine Blunt will present the opening Keynote. Blunt is the author of California Burning: The Fall of Pacific Gas and Electric and What it Means for America’s Power Grid; She has covered power, renewable energy and utilities for The Wall Street Journal since 2018 with much of her work focused on wildfires, 干旱和西方公用事业面临的其他挑战.

Honorable Josh Green, Governor of State of Hawaii will also present at this year’s conference. He will provide remarks after the lunch break on Day 1 adding to a full program of keynotes, 小组讨论和网络.


为未来加油 -看看生物柴油的区别, 可再生柴油, 可再生天然气, 以及其他生物燃料. Can these fuels really help with resilience, and do they lower carbon emissions?

弱势群体的复原力 -保护弱势群体, 包括在设计微电网时, 分布式能源系统的规划, 实施停电计划.

Powering Progress: What’s needed for a Resilient and Dynamic Energy Future – Perspectives on what has been achieved and what gaps need to be filled to ensure continued progress for Hawaii.

有弹性的太阳能 ——住宅太阳能创新. What are the installers in Hawaii doing to meet the needs of their customers? 各岛之间有哪些差异?

使用虚拟电厂支持弹性 – A discussion of Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) and the new Hawaii Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. The panel will discuss the recent VPP Commercial Liftoff Report from the US Dept of Energy, lessons learned in Hawaii from the successes of the Battery Bonus Program, 我们在新的BYOD关税下前进的过程中面临的挑战. 该小组还将首演VPP示范关税和立法.

以弹性规划中的公平性为中心 – Resilience planning must be culturally appropriate, participatory, and responsive to local needs. This panel will explore successful efforts to center equity in efforts to build resilience in our 基础设施, 自然系统, 社会制度和社区.

劳动力发展和能源弹性- 我们是否拥有增强韧性所需的劳动力? Using the apprenticeship requirements of the Inflation Reduction Act to maximize 好处 to the 社区 from larger scale renewable energy projects.

地热能源的途径 更多的地热能源是提高弹性的好方法吗? What other areas in Hawaii have a viable resource and how have the views of Native Hawaiian groups evolved toward geothermal energy.

有弹性的运输 – Are Electric Vehicles (EVs) part of the answer to increasing resilience? What is the status of the various technologies to allow Vehicle to Grid and Vehicle to Home power transfer.

弹性住房和能源- 弹性住房的能源需求. 自2023年8月大火以来,我们吸取了哪些教训?

The panel discussions will be broken up with featured presentations and case studies. There will be an exhibit venue featuring the latest renewable energy technologies and services, 以及社会活动,以促进网络和协作.

The Hawaii Energy Conference brings together experts and thought leaders to explore the latest advancements shaping the energy landscape including risk management, 电网稳定, and adaptive solutions that ensure a reliable and resilient energy supply. The cross-section of attendees include: renewable energy industry professionals; developers and contractors interested in microgrids and off-grid; 劳动力 development experts and organized labor representatives; those interested in the intersection between energy and housing; climate and energy policymakers and regulators; entrepreneurs and innovators; and environmentalists and sustainability advocates.

“As the first state in the union to set a goal of getting to 100% renewables instead of fossil fuels, 夏威夷将自己定位为能源领域的领导者,杰基·胡佛评论道, Conference Chair and Executive Director and COO Hawaii Island Economic Development Board (HIEDB); and President Hawaii Leeward Planning. “While great strides have been made with approximately 35% of Hawaii’s energy needs being met by renewables, navigating to the target date of 2045 to achieve 100% penetration is complex. The Hawaii Energy Conference provides opportunity for attendees to engage in comprehensive and thoughtful discussion with representatives from every corner of the energy sector and set the stage for forward-thinking policy and advancement towards energy self-sufficiency and sustainability.”

项目详情和报名可以在www上查看.hawaiienergyconference.com. 在5月15日之前注册的人可以提前享受折扣.

The Hawaii Energy Conference is presented by the 皇冠体育经济发展局 (皇冠体育官网) with the support of the County of Maui Office of Economic Development. 2024 Sponsors are: Ulupono Initiative, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI), Aukahi Energy, Burns & 麦克唐奈, 夏威夷能源/ Leidos, 夏威夷电力, IBEW地方工会1186, 港岛能源服务, 莫斯 & Associates, Par Hawaii, TerraForm Power, AES, Canadian Solar, Generac, Hawaii Gas, HNU Energy, J&M分布式解决方案, 女真技术, 考艾岛公用事业鸡舍, NovaTech, 太平洋面板清洁剂, 普纳地热投资公司和三重奏能源联盟.

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